Poster Printing
CRL Printing Requirements
CRL printing is ONLY free (with limitations) for undergraduates participating in CRL programs that meet the following requirements. Non-CRL students are encouraged to use other resources for poster printing.
- Posters must be submitted as a single Microsoft PowerPoint Slide on or before your event's stated printing deadline (the earlier the better). Make sure your poster meets your event's requirements (specifically poster dimensions); events have been known to cancel participation if requirements are not met. CRL cannot print your poster if it exceeds our maximum printing dimensions, your poster's height or width must be no greater than 44 inches. CRL will not print posters with large colored backgrounds as ink is too expensive.
Printing costs
If you are currently participating in one of the Center for Research and Learning Research Programs and attending a CRL sponsored event, you may have your poster printed once at CRL at no cost. Ink and paper are expensive, so we cannot afford to print the same poster twice, which means you need to be absolutely certain the poster you submit to us is exactly as you want it printed.
If you are not currently affiliated with one of the Center for Research and Learning programs, you may still have your poster printed at the Center for Research and Learning at a cost of $100.
Printing on campus
The Multimedia Production Center (MPC) is a resource on campus. Please note that CRL no longer has the ability to print internally.
Printing elsewhere
If you wish to have your poster printed elsewhere, please see the list of alternative places to print your poster below. Some of the other options cost less and will print all the color you want, so it is worth checking around before you choose a location to print.
Submitting your poster for printing
Submit your poster by email as a Microsoft PowerPoint slide to or bring the electronic copy to University Tower (HO) Suite 202.