Center for Research and Learning Curriculum Development Grant
The Center for Research and Learning offers one to two grants annually for $2,500 to support the development of RISE courses with a specific focus on undergraduate research. The initiative aims to engage undergraduate students more deeply in their learning and to contribute to their intellectual, professional, and personal development.
This grant is intended to increase course offerings and to expand the amount of 100-, 200-, and 300-level research courses. Faculty are encouraged to apply for up to $2,500, which might support professional development, summer salary, or a stipend. Faculty can develop a new research course or redesign an existing course as a research course.
Research courses must incorporate qualified experiences, integration of knowledge, and structured reflection to link the experience with targeted learning outcomes and assessment as outlined in the link below.
Research courses developed in the summer of 2019 must initially be offered in the 2020–2021 academic year.
Who May Apply
Full-time faculty members (including full-time lecturers) from all academic units at IU Indianapolis are welcome to apply. Support of the department chair or dean must be demonstrated in the application materials. Applications must be submitted by: March 15, 2019.
Apply for Center for Research and Learning curriculum grantTo learn more about course development, please see contact information below:
Those interested in creating an undergraduate research experience course are encouraged to contact Jerry Daday, Ph.D. (, to learn more information about course development in this area.